
We have experience in transport since 1913. We are pleased to be able to use these years of experience and knowledge to transport your products in the best possible way.


The history begins in 1913

In 1913, Albertus Dasselaar founded the Dasvee company in Vriezenveen, which was originally involved in the transportation of live pigs and cattle. At the time, this was still done by horse and cart.

The first car was purchased in the late 1930s. In the 1950s, the fleet was expanded and the number of staff increased. Under the management of Jan Dasselaar, the next growth step was taken in 1970, namely cross-border transportation. As a result, the company grew steadily.

From Dasvee to Dasko

At the end of the 1990s, Bertus Dasselaar ended the livestock transport business due to several animal disease plagues. The company underwent a successful metamorphosis and from then on concentrated on refrigerated and frozen transportation.

Inmiddels is de Dasko Groep een internationale werkgever voor meer dan 700 medewerkers in 3 landen. Met ruim 200 transportcombinaties is Dasko een betrouwbare logistieke dienstverlener en een trendsettende onderneming.


Take a look at our history
